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Data Visualization

  • East India Company Trade Data Visualization (1660-1834)

    East India Company Trade Data Visualization (1660-1834)

    Created by Munirmahedi Paviwala The East India Company Trade (EIC) visualization highlights the flow of different commodities across Asia by the EIC. It also showcases the changes in trading patterns as EIC becomes a colonial force in South Asia. ​ By interacting with the visualisation, one can understand the changes in trading patterns of the…

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  • Love Cults, Masquerading Gals, and Subway Sammies

    Love Cults, Masquerading Gals, and Subway Sammies

    Created by Sam Hurwitz The aim of this project is to analyze the diverse LGBTQ+ subcultures that existed in mid-twentieth century Boston. Using the The Mid-Town Journal, one of the most valuable historical records for Boston’s LGBTQ+ community, this project employs data visualization, mapping, and historical contextualization to bring greater light the community’s history and…

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  • Early English Book Subscribers

    Early English Book Subscribers

    Created by Elspeth Currie Early English Book Subscribers introduces the men and women who subscribed to books published in England between 1617 and 1698. Its core is a dataset of demographic information based on twelve surviving subscriber lists, with 4,104 entries. Along with the original transcribed list entries, viewers can learn the class status, presumed…

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  • Colombia Point, A Boston History

    Colombia Point, A Boston History

    Created by Emily Coello Columbia Point, a Boston History focuses on the Columbia Point housing project that was completed in 1954, and was Boston’s last large-scale housing development. The project explores the history of public housing, changes in postwar Boston, racial tensions, and more. Unfortunately, the data visualizations, which used cenus data to show changing…

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  • Black Women’s Labor in 1920 Boston

    Black Women’s Labor in 1920 Boston

    Created by Bailey Lemoine Black Women’s Labor in 1920 Boston uses Boston census data to elucidate the kind of work available to Black women in 1920. It does not provide a complete record but,instead, a representative sample of women between the ages of 20-30. The stories of individual women included here, though filtered through official…

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  • Human Experience in the Battle of the Somme

    Human Experience in the Battle of the Somme

    Created by Ariel Donnelly Human Experience in the Battle of the Somme was a digital project that explored the advancement of weaponry during World War I and its use in the Battle of the Somme. The project’s major components included a timeline that contextualized the war; a collection of weaponry photographs that illustrated the war…

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