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  • Clara Bromley: Atlantic Adventuress or Imperial Intruder?

    Clara Bromley: Atlantic Adventuress or Imperial Intruder?

    Created by Emily Dupuis Clara Bromley: Atlantic Adventuress or Imperial Intruder? explores Clara Fitzroy Kelly Bromley’s 1853 journey around the Caribbean, North America, Mexico, and South America. Using text analysis tools, it critically examines her travel narrative focusing on her live reality and her blindness to or downplaying of slavery and oppression. The tools used,…

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  • Coming to Terms with the Past

    Coming to Terms with the Past

    Created by Sean Kulaga Coming to Terms with the Past: Confronting Relics of the Third Reich is an exhibit that walks visitors through a critcal view of what it means to posess Third Reich. Using a case study, the project examins the purchasing of actual Nazi artifacts, contextualizes them, and then presents users with the…

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  • The Silent Spring Soundscape

    The Silent Spring Soundscape

    Created by Kelly Gray The Silent Spring Soundscape: Lessons in Listening to the Land combines immersive field recordings in environmental soundscapes, ArcGIS interactive mapping, and interactive lesson plans for the high school or college classroom to tell the history of Rachel Carson’s work, Silent Spring, and to learn to read the environmental silences in texts.

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  • World Travelers Story Maps

    World Travelers Story Maps

    The following story maps provide insight into 17th and 18th travel narratives through textual extracts, mapping, and contextualization. They were created by DH certificate students with teaching and learning in mind. Impressions of South Africa: Tracking the Descriptions of Viscount Born in 1838 in what is now Northern Ireland, James Bryce is highly regarded as…

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