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  • Seeing China Through Catholic American Eyes

    Seeing China Through Catholic American Eyes

    Created by Greta Rauch Seeing China Through Catholic Eyes is a text analysis project exploring how one Catholic newspaper, the National Catholic Welfare Conference, depicted the massive changes China underwent from the 1920s to the 1950s. This project gathered, processed, and analyzed hundreds of articles over decades using Natural Language Processing and Topic Modeling to…

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  • Dr. Knox and the Penny Blood: Dissecting the Dissector

    Dr. Knox and the Penny Blood: Dissecting the Dissector

    Created by Marry Ann Orfanos Dr. Knox and the Penny Blood: Dissecting the Dissector is a TEI based project that focuses on three contemporaneous primary sources: two joint documents published in a historical newspaper, the third a series of correspondence published in an esteemed medical and surgical journal. The aim of the project is to,…

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  • East India Company Trade Data Visualization (1660-1834)

    East India Company Trade Data Visualization (1660-1834)

    Created by Munirmahedi Paviwala The East India Company Trade (EIC) visualization highlights the flow of different commodities across Asia by the EIC. It also showcases the changes in trading patterns as EIC becomes a colonial force in South Asia. ​ By interacting with the visualisation, one can understand the changes in trading patterns of the…

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  • The Donkey Driver’s Map

    The Donkey Driver’s Map

    Created by Khalil Sawan The Donkey Driver’s Map is a proof-of-concept project that has everything a donkey driver working in the Mamluk Levant might need. It is most useful for intra-city travel: it maps the locations of Mamluk equids, reflects the administrative geography of the region, and provides the locations of inns (khans). For the…

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  • Clara Bromley: Atlantic Adventuress or Imperial Intruder?

    Clara Bromley: Atlantic Adventuress or Imperial Intruder?

    Created by Emily Dupuis Clara Bromley: Atlantic Adventuress or Imperial Intruder? explores Clara Fitzroy Kelly Bromley’s 1853 journey around the Caribbean, North America, Mexico, and South America. Using text analysis tools, it critically examines her travel narrative focusing on her live reality and her blindness to or downplaying of slavery and oppression. The tools used,…

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  • Print Sermons and Sermon Notes

    Print Sermons and Sermon Notes

    Created by Abigail Hill Encoding Cotton Mather’s Election Sermon is a transcription and TEI encoding of two versions of a sermon given by Cotton Mather in May 1690: an auditor’s note and a published version.  The encoding prioritizes script choices made in the handwritten version, typographical choices made in the print version, Biblical references in both,…

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