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  • Coming to Terms with the Past

    Coming to Terms with the Past

    Created by Sean Kulaga Coming to Terms with the Past: Confronting Relics of the Third Reich is an exhibit that walks visitors through a critcal view of what it means to posess Third Reich. Using a case study, the project examins the purchasing of actual Nazi artifacts, contextualizes them, and then presents users with the…

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  • Everyday Empires

    Everyday Empires

    Created by Mia Swenson Everyday Empires, a proof-of-concept project, envisions maritime life and industry in early modern London through the diary of John “Ramblin’ Jack” Cremer. It offers a look at how Britain’s maritime economy shaped the lives of its citizens throughout the eighteenth century. As the locations on the map will suggest, the early…

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  • Ælfric Online

    Ælfric Online

    Created by Chase Hockema Ælfric Online seeks to continue Ælfric’s mission of making doctrine and scripture accessible to a wider audience. The last complete translation of these homilies was Benjamin Thorpe’s in 1844 (first series; second series), and the language throughout is often contorted. Other Old English scholars have translated parts or all of certain homilies…

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  • Late Antique Egyptian Textiles at Boston College

    Late Antique Egyptian Textiles at Boston College

    Created by Alexander D’Alisera Late Antique Egyptian Textiles at Boston College is an open-access digital catalog of the McMullen Museum of Art’s Tellalian Collection, a stunning assemblage of more than 30 late antique textiles from Egypt. Created with public access in mind, the project’s creator sought to provide a digital space in which anyone, regardless…

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  • A River in Time: Environmental Histories on the Neponset River

    A River in Time: Environmental Histories on the Neponset River

    Created by Laura Clerx et al. Using maps and storytelling, A River in Time: Environmental Histories on the Neponset River invites viewers to engage with the Neponset River’s many pasts, from its prehuman history through the present moment. While this project servers a wide audience, the hope is that the Neponset’s environmental history orients the…

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  • Love Cults, Masquerading Gals, and Subway Sammies

    Love Cults, Masquerading Gals, and Subway Sammies

    Created by Sam Hurwitz The aim of this project is to analyze the diverse LGBTQ+ subcultures that existed in mid-twentieth century Boston. Using the The Mid-Town Journal, one of the most valuable historical records for Boston’s LGBTQ+ community, this project employs data visualization, mapping, and historical contextualization to bring greater light the community’s history and…

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